It seems like every few months, scientists discover some brand new property about the miracle substance graphene, which dramatically increases its value to mankind, and makes it even more useful commercially. In a very recent paper published in Nature Nanotechnology, Marcelo Lozada-Hidalgo announced that he and a team of researchers at the University of Manchester
The place where graphene was first discovered has now announced that there is a new low-cost, immediately practical use for the super material which could conceivably completely revolutionize the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as some other related applications. The University of Manchester research team has developed graphene humidity sensors which can be embedded into RFID’s,
To no one’s surprise, the usefulness of graphene has now been applied to farming improvements, with new technology developed at Iowa State University. Ever since its discovery, the super-strong, super-conductive graphene has been used in more and more applications that can take advantage of its extraordinary properties, and this one involves using it as a