In the brief time that scientists have become aware of the amazing properties exhibited by graphene, some equally amazing practical uses for the wonder substance have been discovered and capitalized upon. Just the fact that graphene is a tremendous super-conductor of electricity, and that it’s 200 times stronger than steel while retaining great flexibility, make graphene a substance with almost unlimited commercial potential.
While some manufacturers already offer graphene sheets for sale, and are producing high-quality chemical vapor deposition graphene, or CVD graphene, as well as high-quality monolayer graphene, further research is virtually certain to produce even more fascinating products and applications. Graphene research to this point has already produced some very worthwhile returns, as some of the practical uses below will attest.
Practical Uses of Graphene
In the decade since its discovery, graphene has been found to be capable of achieving some impressive practical results, which makes its potential for the future even more impressive. For instance, it is capable of producing drinkable water from saltwater, it can filter out radioactive waste from tainted sites by clumping together the radioactive material, it could charge up your cellphone in five seconds, graphene supercapacitors might make batteries obsolete, and it could even provide you with a much more powerful tennis racket.
It is also possible that graphene could be used in the manufacture of precision bionic devices, and these could be blended in with living human tissue to restore usability of limbs after traumatic spinal injuries. All these practical uses for graphene may sound dazzling by themselves, but these represent only a scratching of the surface of its potential uses. Having gained an understanding of some of the amazing properties of this ‘miracle material’, scientists recognize that further probing into its mysteries may reveal even more astounding capabilities.
Graphene Layering
The carbon atoms of which graphene is comprised, are configured in an organization which mimics lattice-work, and if a second layer is placed on top of an original graphene layer, two types of bi-layer arrangements can be achieved. If the carbon hexagons of the lattices are stacked up perfectly between the two layers, it is referred to as AA-layering, whereas if the lattices are intentionally misaligned it is called AB-layering. When an electrical field is applied to an AB-layered configuration of graphene, the material exhibits powerful semi-conductor properties.
The newest area of research is into a triple-stacked configuration of graphene, although this has proven to be a very difficult arrangement to achieve. The reason it holds such interest for scientists is that they are endeavoring to understand how the properties of tri-layer materials can be significantly altered, just by changing the precise method of stacking each layer. The hope is that this research will lead to the development of new and more capable electronic devices.
Tri-layer Research
Japanese scientists are currently leading the charge into tri-layer graphene research, at both Nagoya University and Tohoku University. At these sites, experiments have been conducted in which different stacking arrangements were produced, one of ABA configuration and the other of ABC configuration. As expected, the two resulting materials exhibited different but very exciting properties. The ABA arrangement was found to be a tremendous electrical conductor, while the ABC material was a superb semiconductor. These discoveries lay the groundwork for future practical tests that might lead to the development of electrical devices which are truly extraordinary in nature.
Where to purchase high-quality graphene
The properties exhibited by this remarkable substance have only been explored since 2004, when it was ‘rediscovered’ by scientists at the University of Manchester. There continue to be discoveries made, meaning that even more uses will be found for this wonder material. This includes the very real possibility that graphene will enable us to create extraordinary electrical devices that could potentially impact how we live. To acquire high-quality graphene sheets for sale, or monolayer graphene, contact us with any questions you might have, or to place an order.
Tags: breakthrough for graphene industry, breakthroughs in graphene, CVD graphene, Graphene, graphene breakthroughs, graphene industry, graphene news, graphene products, graphene sheets, graphene sheets for sale, graphene technology, Grolltex, monolayer graphene